Is Irritability a Sign of Bipolar Hypomania?

mania dysphoricHi, I just received this question from Sandra:

Q. Julie, is irritability a sign of hypo-mania? I’m also going from calm and patient to incredibly angry in minutes (seconds?). Any ideas? I do have an appointment to see my therapist today.


A: Oh yes, mania can cause irritation and anger. It’s called dysphoric mania. You can also be scattered, unable to do tasks calmly and act snappy and cry in frustration. The main problem is that it affects your sleep. If you have dysphoric mania is also called mixed mania or agitated mania.

If you go from mania to depression and back, it’s called rapid cycling. I’ve lived with constant rapid cycling for years. It can be managed with a good treatment plan.

If you’re on new meds or have had a change in meds, this can cause the dysphoric mania. If you’ve recently had a stressful event in life, that can be the problem as well. Or it can just be the darn illness. Bipolar disorder mood swings don’t always have a reason – they just show up like an unwelcome guest.

So many people think that mania is always the upbeat awesome, euphoric kind. It’s not- it’s very often this upsetting, uncomfortable and very confusing dysphoric mania.

If you go to the menu on  your right, you can click on the mania tab and read more about the different kinds of mania.



3 comments to Is Irritability a Sign of Bipolar Hypomania?

  • Steve Blackburn

    You have helped me more than any drug or any therapist. The reason I say that is you gave me hope and faith that I could actually live with this disorder. I really thank God for you and your ability to express what you are going through. When I read your newsletters or blogs I feel vindicated and hopeful and finally understood. You are on the right path and you have put me on the path to wellness. I can live with this disorder and still be productive.
    I am now trying to find a home-based business so that I do not put myself in stressful situations. Do you have any ideas? I would love to do an internet business or something helpful to others with bipolar II disorder. I believe I am a rapid cycler just like you and I have had so many experiences just like you have had.
    Thank You again,

  • jon

    Listen. she didnt ask if you can have irritability with hypomania? she asked if its a sign. so she might not have anything else. irritability is the mildest sign. Lets Not over diagnose and mediicate for human emotions . I’m starting to get rubbed the wrong way

  • That Guy

    Hi Julie,

    I just found your web site and was diagnosed back in January BP1 after a very wild nearly two years. I stopped going to the doctor and I don’t want meds. My family knows the deal and are glad I at the very least see my condition for the strain it has put on them in the past. You mentioned treatment plan… besides meds, what might you be talking about?