Reader Question on Work and Bipolar Disorder

Rachel read a blog post about work and bipolar disorder. Here is her question:


Thank You Julie. I have had so many jobs over the years, some more successful than others, but my illness always seems to get in my way. I have been sick for sev  eral months again now,  unemployed, but trying to get get better. I have the support of my husband, some understanding from my kids, but how do you forgive yourself? Rachel

Hi Rachel,

I face what you are going through all of the time. I miss months and months of work- but it’s a certain kind of work. If I’m busy and have deadlines I do better. If the work all comes from my mind- such as writing a book on my own, I find it very difficult. Having bipolar disorder means we are going to lose time. I’ve lost so much I can’t even count it anymore. But you keep going.



Many, many people with bipolar disorder have trouble working.  It’s simply an unfortunate trigger. I would talk to the kids and be completely honest about bipolar. You can tell them about me!  I write books- I speak- I coach and I have friends- and work is still a very big struggle.

You are Not alone.

You would never try to forgive yourself if you had cancer- there is no reason to have to forgive yourself when you have bipolar. Just keep going- sing massive praise to your awesome sounding husband and go easy on yourself. It’s a tough illness and not working is not your fault! Work when you can and go from there.


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