Relationship Issues? Get it Going!

Have you ever gone through a tough time over a relationship issue?  Relationship problems whether with family, friends, partners or coworkers can be a real nightmare for people with bipolar disorder. We get hit much harder than people with more regulated brains.

I know that things get totally out of proportion in my brain when something happens that I can’t control. I feel like I will go crazy and that I need a solution right at that minute! I can’t wait for anything and I need answers, answers, answers. I will call my friends and talk for hours about what is happening and what I’m doing wrong and what the other person is thinking and what I should do and……… it never ends! It’s embarrassing and very tiring.  And it makes it very hard to work.

I’ve found that it’s often up to the well me to just say:

Buck up Julie! Get up and get going! Do your work!

This helps cut through the bipolar fog that often takes over my brain during any type of relationship stress. Even when we get really sick, we have to work. So today, I am listening to myself and working. It took me a few hours to get here, but I’m doing it. Buck up Julie! Will this work for you?


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