Set a time to exercise with a friend every week. Rain or shine.

When depression makes it difficult for you to get out of the house, having plans with a dependable friend really helps. When you walk with someone you care about – or maybe even a new friend, you not only get the benefits of the exercise, but talking with the person can often take your mind off depression. Set a time to walk at least once a week.

Find someone you can talk to about your plan to walk on a schedule and ask them to pick you up. If you know someone is arriving at a certain time, you are more likely to get ready. You have to be a part of this as well. Make a rule with yourself that you won’t cancel. Even if you feel too depressed

I’m always trying to think of ways to get out and exercise when I get depressed- making someone else set the time and then expect me to be there really helps. Plus the conversation is good!

My friend Sheri and I walk a few hours at a time in downtown Portland.  It’s the best I have felt in my life.



1 comment to Set a time to exercise with a friend every week. Rain or shine.

  • Julie Fast

    AS you may know if you read my facebook pages- Julie A. Fast and the Julie Fast Fan Page, I’m walking the Portland City Marathon in October! Yee Gads! I can say that walking by myself is good in some ways- listening to soccer podcasts and studying French. But there is no question that walking with someone is a thousand times better. It takes your mind off painful feet and the distance you have to walk. So far, I can walk eight miles.. That is quite a way fro 26!!!!

    I hope you can find a friend and walk! julie