Suggestion from Colleen: Donate to the Red Cross to Help the People of Japan

My post below on the earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan cautioned all of us with bipolar disorder to truly limit our exposure to the media coverage to the disasters.  Many people wrote in with comments- you can read them by clicking on the comments button on the post below.

One comment from Colleen made perfect sense.

Excellent advice  Julie!  You are so right! And obsessing over the media coverage won’t help. A donation to the red cross maybe and then closure. Thanks so much!

It can be hard on us to look at the pictures, watch the videos and talk to others about what is happening. But we can make a donation to the Red Cross. The link is below. You will notice that the home page of the site has pictures. I suggest skipping these and just going straight to the donation.

Knowing about something once- seeing something once and talking about something once doesn’t mean that we aren’t sensitive to the pain in the world. It does mean we can take care of ourselves and not get sick. It means we can feel things in our hearts and then take care of ourselves so that are hearts can give love to the people around us. That is a lot better than getting sick!

Click here to donate to the Red Cross.

Thanks to Colleen for such excellent advice.

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