Bipolar Disorder Mania Peaks in the Summer!
NOw is the time for a mania check…
Wow, I had a wild hypomanic episode a few months ago. I wrote about it at the time. If you go to the mania link to the right, you can read all about mania and my experiences. It’s a very, very dangerous mood swings as it feels good- absolutely no one wants to be depressed, but people who experience euphoric mania often welcome it and never want it to end. (Agitated mania is called dysphoric mania- it’s also explained on the mania link to the right.)
We really are moving into the mania season. Sunlight affects our sleep as we get more sun through the eyes – which affects the brain. So, yes- keeping out of the sun helps. But who wants to do that if they have been depressed?
This is a complicated illness- and we have to know our mania symptoms just as much as our depression symptoms.
How is your mood as compared to what it was in the winter? Are things maybe feeling a bit TOO great?
THANK YOU so much for this reminder! I find it so much harder to spot mania coming on than I do depression, so I really appreciate this latest blog. I am so thrilled to be able to work outside and garden with the advent of warmer weather. This weekend, I hope to have a chance, if the weather cooperates, to clean my grill and cook outside for the first time this season. During my vacation, I actually found myself getting depressed when it wasn’t sunny, as I’d had such high hopes of the weather being warm so I could work in the garden. Fortunately, it did warm up for a few days, and I spent them entirely outside, working. But the results are well worth it!
Dear Julie,
I had trouble with mania this past March. I haven’t been like that for a very long time and it came on so unexpectly. Change in the day light saving time screwed me up!
It’s wonderful feeling good on your natural highs but I was warned about the Titanic disasters that awaits if you don’t get to your doctor right away.
My next big worry is traveling to the UK next year to take care of family business…..I’m worry I might trigger off another eposide…did you finish your book traveling with BP?
Hi Liz,
You have perfect timing with your comment- I just did a brief entry on travel and will do more in the future- as so many people travel in the future. I will answer your email on the blog soon!
Hi Julie, I have read your book loving someone with bi-polar disorder and its a great book. My partner is in a euphoric mania right now and I don’t know what I can do to help. Her bi-polar is untreated because we didn’t realize this was her problem until she “snapped” into the manic phase. She is very irritable, unresponsible, spending money like crazy, uncaring, not sleeping but 4 hours a night working 12 hours and staying an extra 2 hours just hanging out, she has been promiscuous in the past, etc. etc.. I have researched this disorder and now know without a doubt that she is bi-polar. What do I do while she is in this manic phase? Is there anything I can do until she comes out of it?? Any suggestions???
I am reading the book over again and I am in therapy for myself.
Amazing articles. Do you have to be bipolar in order to experience mania during the summer. I had no problems whatsoever until this summer. I am flying over the ground. Speed is my nickname. I do not know what to do actually. Summer is almost gone so I pray that my symptoms resolve otherwise I should be visiting the doc.