The post on being careful about watching too much media coverage about the natural disasters in Japan really resonated with readers. I think it’s because people with troublesome bipolar are so easily affected by what happens in the world.
Hi Julie,
I was stationed in Japan with the Air Force for a total of 5 yrs near Tokyo and I feel so sad for the Japanese I feel I have a connection with them and It just started my Bipolar a running!!!!
Hi B.
I know what you mean. I lived in Tokyo for two years and in Osaka for one. It’s not too hard to look at buildings falling down or cars crashing- but when I saw a Japanese person in the rubble, I knew I had to turn it off and I did.
We have to take care of ourselves so that we can be there for others as well! Julie
Now we have the nuclear threat. Of course this is scary. For everyone. But, if you are mildly psychotic (or know someone who has psychosis- especially if they are paranoid) I just can’t stress enough how important it is to limit contact to the story. I know! It’s world news! But we also have Libya, and unemployment and everything else in the world. People can take care of it when you are ill. If you are well and it doesn’t affect you, that’s great.
But if you’re like me- quite depressed for a few days- THINK OF YOURSELF FIRST. If you’re a family member or partner, it’s a good time to talk to your loved one about turning off the news. Ah yes, that can seem pretty impossible, but at least you can talk about it! Many simply haven’t thought of it and will turn things off once they see they may get sick.
Bipolar management always comes first- always. Otherwise we can’t be there for the world or anyone we know.
PS: If you look to the right on the menu, there is a list of reader comments- they are amazing!
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