I have read The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz many times in the past ten years. I have listened to the recorded version even more. The four agreements are simple:
1. Be impeccible with your word.
2. Don’t take anything personally.
3. Don’t make assumptions.
4. Always do your best.
I have lived my life using these agreements since first reading the book. It has been hard. In fact, writing about them today gives me a good reminder that I have a situation in my life right now where the assumptions are rampant! I will take care of that! I also remind myself that doing my best is often based on my best in terms of where I am with bipolar disorder. On the really, really tough days, my best is quite different than on the more normal days. And on the hypomanic days- watch out! 😉
I would recommend this book to everyone. Thank you Julie for bringing this book to the attention of all your readers. The Four Agreements advocates personal freedom from erroneous beliefs that we have made with ourselves that are creating limitation and unhappiness in our lives. Ultimately, this book is about finding one’s own integrity, inner peace and a deeper sense of personal fulfillment. Get your copy today!