Three Bipolar Disorder Symptoms No One Wants to Talk About: My Most Viewed Blog Post Ever is from BP Magazine


My Bp Magazine blog post from last week had over 1000 shares on Facebook and generated hundreds of comments. Here’s the opening paragraph and a link to the full blog as well as a link to the post on Facebook. You have to read the comments- they will make you think!!!! I would love to hear your views about the three symptoms I believe we don’t discuss enough. Especially the hot button topic of aggression and violence in bipolar disorder. Here’s the opening paragraph:

 I know how important it is to protect the reputation of bipolar disorder in the general public. We don’t want people thinking we are dangerous, scary, crazy people who can’t be trusted. But I do feel we need to own up to the fact that certain mood swings DO cause the behaviors we want to sweep under the carpet. The three symptoms below represent the side of bipolar disorder we all know is there, but we rarely want to let the public know exists. This is only an opinion of course, but I’m truly interested to know if you feel the same.

#1 Dangerous, aggressive and violent behavior

I work with parents and partners of those with bipolar disorder………

Click here to read the rest of the Bp Magazine blog post Three Bipolar Disorder Symptoms No One Wants to Talk  About. 

Click here to visit the Bp Magazine Facebook page.  You can read all of the comments under the February 2nd post and add your own. Please share it with your friends for their opinions as well.

I highly recommend a subscription to this amazing magazine!


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