Three Tips to Get Things Done When You Have Bipolar Disorder

get it done picBipolar Disorder Management tips: How I get things done! I find it amazing that on some days I can look at my bills and other ‘to do’ items and just sit down and get them done without over-thinking things! Then there are days where just the idea of paying bills or answering email is so overwhelming I simply shut down. This is one bipolar disorder symptom that is very hard to explain, but it’s very real and needs to be addressed. Here are some tips:

1. HIRE SOMEONE TO HELP YOU MAKE MONEY. If you are missing money making opportunities because of feeling overwhelmed, it makes total sense to hire someone who helps you bring the money into your life. The cost of the person you hire comes directly out of the money you make. I’ve found that I lose money when I don’t have a manager.  My manager Tamia often just sits next to me while I work and makes sure I stay on track, especially on the tough days when my brain feels like mush.

2.  READ GET IT DONE WHEN YOU’RE DEPRESSED:  I love this book as it’s not about managing depression- it’s about working even though you have depression. It also works well for anxiety and ADD symptoms.  The 50 strategies in the book are the ones I use daily to keep myself focused.

3.  SPEND MONEY IF YOU HAVE IT: A clean house completely changes your ability to get things done. If you have the money, hire someone to clean your house,  do the gardening, make your meals or anything else that you can easily hand off to someone who does a great job. I find that people who have money tend to beat themselves up over not getting things done when it’s so simple to hire someone to do the basics! People with bipolar disorder do have money.

These are a few out of the ordinary ways to get things done on the tough days!


julie fast get it done cover

15 comments to Three Tips to Get Things Done When You Have Bipolar Disorder

  • Debra Van Etten

    I have been diagnose with bi Polar and now my 14 year daughter has been also she has been acting up a lot lately and is out of control; with wanting her own way and get very angry when it does not go her way HELP!! I just dont have the energy anymore to deal with her depression along with my own My husband is trying to be supportive but he works long hour and get home late at night

  • Benny legaspe

    You wrote “Bipolar People do have money.” How do you mean that? Or was it an error? In the beginning you write if you have the money – hire someone.
    Thank You

    • Hi Benny- I just replied to another comment who had the same question. I absolutely meant to say that there are plenty of people with bipolar disorder do have money. I know this from 12 years of working with people who have bipolar disorder. The issue is that many will not spend the money to get help for tasks and other activities that are overwhelming when the person is sick. They will use the money on healthy care, but not for help in getting things done! So, if the person with bipolar disorder has money- I say spend it to make life easier overall so that it’s easier to find stability. Thanks for your comment! Julie

  • Mad

    What do you mean by ….. People with bipolar disorder do have money.

    I sure dont… That is one massive generalization… I have not been able to work in years.

    • Hi Michael, There are many people with bipolar disorder who have financial support from a partner or family members. There are many people with bipolar disorder who work and make plenty of money. My point was that there is the idea out there that people with bipolar disorder are always in need of money, this simply isn’t true. So, if the person with bipolar disorder is financially sound, they should use the money to get better! My money situation completely depends on my mental health- so I understand where you are coming from, but it’s not true to say that most people with bipolar disorder are in need of money. Thanks for your comment. It made me think! Julie

  • Mad

    Sorry, you dont know your audience very well. Yes, there are functioning bipolars who go out, earn a living and may cycle one or twice a year and then there are many who cant get out of bed. Leave out the last sentence. It is a massive trigger for me. I am one of the ones that cant afford your coaching and there are so many of us out there with nobody to support them, homeless or on the verge of homelessness. The mental health system has been decimated in this country.. I cant even afford to go to therapy and my meds have gone up in price. You take 900 mg of lamictal I remember you saying. Where I live that would cost close to 1500 a month … I am losing my insurance and will have to pay for my 300 milligrams which would sure go along way to have someone clean here. And thats not the only med I take. I wish I were one of those with ample money. My central nervous system is shot from drugs for anxiety , I am an ultradian cycler and have depression so bad sometimes and cant even get out of bed. I am in survival mode.I am deathly afraid of being homeless.. 18 years ago I was A sr VP of a large company living a very good life when I got shot down with this tortuous disease.. I was able to pay my mortgage. insurances, life expenses , everything from savings, 401k, etc for 18 year. Even paid for my sons college and masters with money I would never touch and now I am tapped out and have to remortgage at the age of 60. What will I do for retirement income.. 2000 a month for SSDI doesnt cut it. Because of all the stigma my extended family and friends through me to the curb and dont even talk to me.. I wish I could work. I am afraid to speak to people because what I believe I just said came out all wrong and it has offended some people and I will not write a letter until I sit on it for a while and the next day I am so happy I didnt send it.. I suck the energy out of a room and I dont want to. Cognitively I am done for and getting worse.. MY Iq dropped at least 20 points.. I use to be able to speak in front of audiences of 500 without even notes. Now I cant even remember simple words. Oops the doorbell is ringing. Have to go… The maid and butler are here. I am damn mad and above all scared to death.

    • Hi – I just answered your last comment and I sent you an email as well. I don’t work with people who have bipolar disorder- my coaching is only for family members and partners, but I regularly have phone calls with people who could use some hope and some advice. I just sent you the details on how to set this up! Julie

  • Mad

    You stated to Benny that I know this from 12 years of working with people who have bipolar disorder. Of course they have money because you charge them.. How many out there do you not hear from and why? Thats what you should ponder. In the mental health field you can play if you can pay. I have spent close to 125,000 top people who were ther to help me as long as there was a check.. They were so concerned. Now , That I dont have the means they have no time for me.. In other countries they have mental health support teams that work with someone who is disabled form a mental disease. You cant even find them here if you meet the criteria of being damn poor. In the end those of us who are very ill have to fend for ourselves.. I even had to sell my car for crying out loud. Talk about loneliness. I am afraid to leave the house becuase I fall and with the weight I put on I can get hurt and people think Im a drunk. Nope, I ma not your typical customer but there are so many like me out there.

    • Hello Mad- I’m sorry it took me so long to post a reply. I have had a few off days! I fully support people who charge for their own work- we would not dream of asking a dermatologist to treat us for free- nor would we demand a free latte at Starbucks because we are going through a tough time. Charging what you are worth is a sign of self confidence- I want to work with people who charge what they are worth. Being in the mental health world doesn’t mean we are not in business. Please know that I also have a completely sliding scale fee for my coaching and have not once turned down a family member or partner who could not meet my regular fee. I’m a superb coach and am worth my fee- but, money means nothing to me when it comes to helping people. If someone is in need and I am the right person to help- money is never an issue. I don’t work with people who have bipolar disorder as I am not a therapist and I don’t want to cross a line professionally- but if someone asks- I always have time to chat. My books are available at a disability rate or free if someone is in need. I give out regular subscriptions to the wonderful Bp Magazine and spend a lot of time doing volunteer work. I just don’t write about this on my blog! I love doing contests as well. I know that people with bipolar disorder have money because of my friendships with people who have the illness. There are many people who got lucky with a dot com job and can live off the stock dividends, people who have loving and supportive partners, family members who set up trust funds and good people who simply want to help someone in need. Not all of us are this lucky! But some are. Also, I do know people with bipolar disorder who work full time- they exist! People with bipolar disorder are not my customers- they are peers and friends and support for all that I do. People with bipolar disorder are my readers- and my books are in libraries and can be found used. Please know that I will do everything possible to get my work to those in need- to offer support when times are tough- I’m not always able to do this because of my own health. You can usually tell how I’m doing as my social media goes quiet when times are tough! Please email me at Julie fast speaking at gmail dot com and I would love to send you my ebooks. I think you would like them. Thank you for being honest. I do understand how you feel- I’m not in a relationship right now and I willingly live with family members- when I’m not able to work, they help me out and I pay them back a few weeks later. You are not alone- it is hared to find no cost health care, but I promise you can always find no cost support here! Julie

  • Dawn

    Yes i totally agreed with Mad comment.

    Julie please do not have one massive generalization that they have money or financial support.

    Many people who suffer from bipolar disorder or other serious mental condition.
    They can’t keep a job, don’t have stable income.
    Need money for medical fees.

    Their family members have their commitment & already overwhelmed as a caregiver to us. They are not able to support or help all the times.



    • Hello Dawn,

      Thanks for your comment. I’m not sure why people are having a hard time with my saying that not all people with bipolar disorder are broke. I wasn’t talking about an ability to work- I’m extremely aware of our work issues and know the huge sacrifices families and partners make for someone who can’t work—- But there are plenty of people with bipolar disorder who do work and support themselves- there are plenty who DON’T have money issues. My message was that those who do have money need to spend it to get better and not deprive themselves of what money can buy-such as having a manager who makes it possible for a person to work and not have to take care of administrative duties- or a nanny who can lovingly help with kids when a parent is overwhelmed and needs to treat bipolar disorder first. I am truly trying to get the word out that we absolutely can manage this illness and find work that we can do. We can make money when we are well. The first goal is treating bipolar first- and if there is money around it makes treatment easier. I certainly understand people who are having a hard time making ends meet because of bipolar disorder- supporting myself when I’m sick is always a challenge. Please know that I offer all of my Ebooks at a disability rate or no cost if someone is in need. This includes the amazing Health Cards. I send this offer out to all of my readers. If you are on disability or cannot afford my eBooks send me an email at (Julie Fast Speaking at gmail dot com) and I will be in touch! Julie

  • Aurora

    Hello Julie,

    Just to say had it not been for your great supportthrough your Book, I would have had a breakdown, as I was engaged 2 years/ on and off with my Fian

    • Hello Aurora,

      I always love reading your FACEBOOK posts and it’s great to see you here as well. I love hearing about how other countries manage bipolar disorder. Thank you for the insight!


  • Aurora

    I’m buying the ” Health Cards ” this January as my partner struggles are relentless, as I believe the Health Cards will be what I need with my partner!! Having you on my social media Facebook is just a blessing!!

  • Alien

    I am writing to say I am one of those people with Bi polar type 1 who has always worked full time, raised a family, been married for 30 years, and am a medical professional, teacher and writer. I am a grandmother now to 3 gorgeous babies. I am blessed beyond measure. Having the dx of Bipolar does not define me. It is a neuro- chemical deficiency that I was born with. My father before me, had bipolar and also worked his whole life, dying at age 46. That being said, I have lots of periods of time where I can barely get out of bed each day. Where I quit and rehire for three jobs in a week. Where I have the best book idea of all time and am writing away, only to forget I was even writing it after I hit the depression. But tomorrow is always another day, and another chance to maybe get it better, if not right. I have had this dx for 34 years and am now only starting to take treatment and recovery seriously. My husband and children have been through a great deal, but stand beside me. I like reading your suggestions and I like that you too, deal with the disorder so that I know if you can overcome and put a healthier plan into place and not just rise and fall with it all as it comes, then so can I. I don’t feel sorry for myself, and I don’t want to be excused from my life because I have a neuro deficiency. I want to be held accountable. I want to treat my husband and family the way they deserve to be treated because they are loved by God, as are all people. I want to be a better version of myself. I want to use my creativity for good, and not allow it to go all the way to mania- which then is destructive. Thank you for sharing ways to keep going. I am coming slowly out of a six month severe depression and one day at a time I am trying to fix one mess that was made during that time period, after the other each day. I can’t fix six months over night, and I pray I can before either mania or depression kick back in, but in no way will I stop looking for that hope that things will get better. It always works to surround yourself with positive people and see how they over come. You express good options to be an over comer and I really appreciate what you share. How would you suggest to connect all phases of my bi polar, as for me, I tend to only have memory of what I am doing in each separate episode. For instance, if I am in a euphoric mania, and I am writing an awesome book, or following a certain band I only do that while manic and once I am not, I couldn’t recall the plot or what the songs that I so enjoyed and the people and places that I was going, once the mania is over. Or, on the other hand if I am hypo manic and I am doing well helping in my husband’s office and get things organized and pay the statements out to his suppliers, get in touch with his marketing people, ect. The minute I hit a depression I can’t recall what it was I was doing, what I paid, or whom I had been working with for his business. Do you deal with this? I mean if I didn’t find notes with my own handwriting pertaining to anything, I would never believe in a different episode that I was even doing any of those things. Can you share how to
    “get things done” when no two weeks much less two days are the same?” That would have to be my biggest struggle. Thank you again, Alien