Tips to Get Things Done When You Have Bipolar Disorder!

Get it done pink listHow I get things done … on the days it’s hard to even get out of bed!

One of my strategies in Get it Done When You’re Depressed says-  we usually worry much longer about getting something done than the time it actually takes to do the project.  How true. I’ve recently worried for over a week about a project that I finally did this morning in a very short amount of time.

I’m a columnist for the wonderful Bp Magazine.  I love writing the column and am very proud of my work. I didn’t miss a deadline for over five years. Then, as my bipolar disorder got really bad a few years ago and I had to go back on meds, I found myself getting behind with my writing.  It has been a challenge.  I made my deadline for my spring column, but didn’t get back with my final edits on time.  Today was the day to set this right.

I made myself a one project to do list and got started.  I should add that I used another one of my Get it Done Tips right at the beginning. I put myself in a place I could work.  Then I did the following.

1. Reminded myself that it ALWAYS takes less time to do a project than it takes to worry about a project.

2. Made a realistic list of what had to be done.

3. Put a time next to each step.  This helps me see how long a project actually takes when I face the same project in the future.

4. Kept myself focused- I’m only allowed to do what’s on the list. It’s so easy to answer one of the emails on the list and then get side tracked by an unrelated email!  (I still got off track a few times and had to say- Julie, back to the pink list!)

5. Did the items in order.

6. Was honest with my editor about why I was late with the edits.  Asked her to help me stay on track.

Then I did the edits!

Darn it- this is a project I’ve been worrying about for a week.  The entire thing took less than an hour!

When you find yourself worrying about something instead of just sitting down and doing it- remember this mantra- it takes less time to do something than worry about not getting something done.

If you don’t already subscribe to BP Magazine- here’s the link. My spring column is called Growing Older with Bipolar Disorder. If you subscribe now, you can get the spring issue!


3 comments to Tips to Get Things Done When You Have Bipolar Disorder!

  • Hi Julie,

    Thanks so much for a helpful and well-thought-out post. I often procrastinate, but then I remind myself that “it’s never as bad as I think it’s going to be.” This generally works pretty well to get me motivated. But I like your plan of tracking how long a task takes, plus doing the to-do list IN ORDER. I make a to-do list most days but don’t have a good handle on getting everything done.


  • Susan

    Dear Julie I am confused. You said ” I love writing the column and am very proud of my work. I didn

  • jay

    Thanks, I agree that this is helpful. As ridiculous as this sounds most weekends I get overwhelmed with cleaning the house. I feel like I won,t get it all done like I will run out if time with no time to enjoy. Then I get anxious and hurry up and clean.