A note from Julie: I’ve known Douglas from the mental health community here in Portland, Oregon in the US for over ten years. I knew he would be the perfect guest blogger as he offers so many effective resources. I like that Douglas goes to trainings- he offers so much of his information for free- he is a true example of what he writes about and he saves lives! When someone like Douglas offers his email to the public, he means it. So drop him a line! I especially enjoy his videos. They are on tough topics, but are very accessible! Take it away Douglas….
My name is Douglas Bloch. I’m an author and depression survivor. For all of my adult life, I’ve battled a treatment resistant depression and anxiety that would not respond to medication. Fortunately, after much trial and error, I was able to create a “body-mind and spirit” mental health recovery program that has allowed me to live optimally and to reduce my symptoms of anxiety and depression.
The heart of this wellness program consists of three steps:
1. Set the intention to heal. For example, a man who had not left his apartment for three months because of a disabling depression, came to my group and wrote a powerful vision statement of wellness. Within twelve weeks he had reengaged with the world, which included started his own employment agency.
2. Reach out for support, as we cannot heal in isolation. Two women in my group who each heard voices telling them to harm themselves, agreed to call each other whenever these suicidal voices emerged. In this way, they kept each other safe until the voices went away.
3. Treat your symptoms with a combination of mutually supportive therapies. One group member put together a recovery program that combined exercise, good nutrition, positive affirmations, prayer and meditation, social support and volunteer work to successfully manage her symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Thus, intention +tools + support = mental health recovery.
I know that the healing I have received can be experienced by anyone. As a result, I have sought to share this recovery program through my books, website, YouTube videos, and through facilitating an ongoing depression/anxiety support group in Portland, Oregon. These resources are listed below:
My Healing from Depression Website.
Healing from Depression YouTube channel.
Click here to watch two of my videos on suicidal thoughts and feelings:
How to Find Alternatives to Suicide and How I Coped with Suicidal Thoughts and Feelings
If you’re in Portland, Oregon where Julie and I live, here is the link to read more about my healing from depression and anxiety support group. (A note from Julie. As many of you know, I am a huge fan of professionally run support groups. Getting to see Douglas on a regular basis in a group setting is GOLD!)
In the process of working with people, I have witnessed many miracles and healings. I now believe that when a person wants to get well and reaches out for support, he or she will experience recovery.
Please feel free to contact me (douglasbloch at gmail dot com) if you have questions about this work. I wish you the best in your healing journey.
Douglas Bloch, M.A.
Hi, It’s Julie again. Can you believe that someone with depression and anxiety has written so many books and done so much? I believe it. When we learn to manage these illnesses, we can be productive. Even during the tough times. When we have a plan like the one Douglas shares in his books and videos, we can get better. Thank you Douglas- you rock!
Click here to read more about Douglas’ book Healing from Depression on Amazon.
Thanks for your support.
Of course! Thank you for being such an amazing resource for those with depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder. Julie