Welcome to the Julie Fast Podcast

My new bipolarhappens.com podcast series on bipolar disorder basics is ready to go. The first entry below is a welcome to the podcast with general information on future topics.  I will now be able to answer more reader questions!  If you look to the right of the blog- there is a list of all the podcasts currently available.



2 comments to Welcome to the Julie Fast Podcast

  • Terry

    Hi Julie,

    I’m really excited about the podcasts. It feels very personable and I’m looking forward to the information which will be shared.

    AND, you did not speak too fast. I understood every word you said.


    Hi Terry, Thank you! I now feel more able to answer reader questions. Julie

  • LIZ

    I just want to say thank you for having this site and writing your books. My husband was just diagnosed with Bipolar disorder in December after a very scary manic episode where he was on the roof of a McDonalds 45 minutes from our house. I have learned a lot about bipoloar disorder through your book, Loving someone with bipolar disorder and he has just to really begun to read Take charge of Bipolar disorder. He is on medication and was on sick leave from his job for 6 months and has just returned last week on a light duty schedule. We have a long way to go. As you know, there are bad days and good days. ONe of our biggest problems is when it is time to go to sleep at night. he cannot go to sleep unless I am in bedwith him. We seem to go through the same ritual every night. He goes to bed much earlier than me because he has to get up much earlier for work. he sits on the side of the bed and says “this cant be happening to me or I hate feeling this way. After about 10-15 minutes, he then lays down and puts his sleep machine on (sleep apnea) and falls asleep within 5-10 minutes. It is very frustrating for both of us. Any suggestions.

    Hi Liz, I will answer this on a future podcast! Julie