The term rapid cycling can be very confusing. I recently asked my co-author Dr. John Preston for a clear explanation:
“Rapid cycling is at least four discrete episodes during a 12 month period (these can be mania, hypomania, or depression). The term ultra-rapid cycling is not precisely defined but many refer to this as having possibly monthly cycles (e.g. 12 per year)….
Ultradian cycling is where there are not really
discrete manic or depressive episodes, but the person is extremely emotionally labile, with chaotic and intense mood changes that occur every day or several times during a day.
One way to describe it is that they experience intense emotional instability….some mood shifts are in response to stressful events (e.g. an argument with a friend), but some are unprovoked- seem to come out of the blue and not associated with a specific trigger.”
I have ultradian rapid cycling, but my mood swings are often discreet. That shows how these categories are simply a guideline.
When I am very ill, I can have six or seven mood swings in a row between mania and depression and they are very obvious. This is usually a reaction to a drug, such as when I tried Ritalin for my ADD symptoms.
If you or a loved one are prone to rapid cycling, it’s likely you will not tolerate anti depressants, high THC pot, meth, coke, ADD meds, steroids or changes in sleep patterns due to work or travel.
I know. What a BummeR!
I recommend reading Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder in order to create plan to end rapid cycling. If you want something more intense in terms of a full symptom management plan,