What is Zyprexa? Is it used to treat Bipolar Disorder?

zyprexalemonZyprexa is an anti psychotic drug (also known as a neuroleptic) used to treat bipolar disorder psychosis.

Zyprexa is called an ‘atypical’ antipsychotic as it is a new class of drugs with less side effects that the old anti-psychotics such as Thorazine and Haldol.

Zyprexa is known for weight gain- an average of 20 pounds per person, but some don’t have the weight gain. It’s used to treat bipolar disorder psychosis and schizophrenia.

It’s hard to find a balance between the benefits of Zyprexa and the side effects- but for many, the benefits are what matters. I have a friend who was on the drug for two years to keep her mania and psychosis in check. It definitely kept her out of the hospital- but she felt over drugged and gained weight.  She is now stable and no longer needs the Zyprexa. It did the job it was supposed to do.

Zyprexa is no longer the first drug of choice when a person is diagnosed.  I see more use of Seroquel and Risperdal. It truly comes down to how sick you are and how much help you need.

Outside of the people with bipolar disorder, it’s all about big pharma politics-  much is done to hide the negative sides of the meds- but that is another story!

The new anti psychotics (Abilify, Zyprexa, Seroquel, Risperdal, etc) basically work the same- a person’s physiology is  what determines their success. It’s the same with the side effects.  I find these drugs the most toxic- but I’ve also see them change a person from someone who literally couldn’t  function in the world due to paranoid psychosis to someone who can work and be a productive part of society.  He tells me his life is a lot better! But his face is puffy and he shakes.

What can we do?

It’s always a trade off. In one hand there are the dreaded and often physically destructive pills- on the other hand is a life out of hostpial and in the world.

It’s our choice.


I have absolutely no idea why I found a picture of a lemon with a zyprexa lable!

6 comments to What is Zyprexa? Is it used to treat Bipolar Disorder?

  • Nate

    Beware of Geodon!

    I have had a really bad experience with Geodon. One of the doctors I see thought it would be beneficial. After it saturated my system, I had terrible nightmares, severe pain from nightmares,extreme jitters, lack of any focus, and I could go on and on. It isn’t for everybody! Be cautious if your doctor wants to put you on it is basically what I am saying.


  • deb

    There is another drug that is promising and my doc used in place of Abilify called Invega. It changed my life.. 🙂

  • S

    I was given Zyprexa when hospitalized with postpartum psychosis (before I was ever diagnosed with bipolar). It worked well for a month but as the mania subsided, my husband said it turned me into a “zombie.” After a month or two of that, he finally convinced my psychiatrist to switch meds (I had no real idea what was going on with me and could not advocate for a meds change). I switched to seroquel and it has been great for over a year, during which time I did experience another manic episode but we managed to get on top of it with seroquel alone. That second manic episode is what gave me my bipolar diagnosis. Never gained weight on either drug.

  • Just FYI, Zyprexa works really really quick for dysphoric or mixed mania, especially with suicidal thoughts. And on an “as needed, emergency level”, it doesn’t have the weight gain. 5 mg. seems to work great, especially if the mania is caused by a new medication.

    I wish I could stay away from the weight gain meds, as I already have fibromyalgia and CFIDS (I wish, btw, there would be more info on teh problems balancing bipolar and other “physical” conditions- ex: exercise helps bipolar but causes severe physical pain at the level you need to help the bipolar. I ran a fibro support group for years and found bipolar, especailly bipolar II, isn’t an uncommon co-morbid condition. Just thought I’d throw that out there.) But due to sleep problems, and the fact that atypicals are safer for pregnancy then mood stabilizers, I’ve been on them more then I’d care too. Right now i’m trying a low dose of abilify, low dose of seroquil, and JUST got up to 200 mg Lamictal. 🙁 I have a large family and they need me. But my symptoms are getting desperate. I found an old Zyprexa and I noticed a difference within 30 minutes. I’m sitting in a chair typing this- a major accomplishment. I’m only 32 and I’ve been physically and mentally ill since my teens.