Where do I find a good psychiatrist?

Where Can I Find a Psychiatrist?

I often get letters from people throughout the US asking if I know of psychiatrists in specific areas.

Hi Julie,
Maybe you can help? I’m bipolar and on Medicare trying to get a psychiatrist in the San Jose, CA area and am having a hard time finding someone. Do you happen to know someone in this area? Thank you.

Hi Brent,

I don’t know of psychiatrists in certain areas- but I do have a suggestion. If there is a teaching hospital in town, I would call and ask to make an appointment with the head of the psych department. It’s not likely you will get in, but they will definitely have great references for other psychiatrists! If there is no teaching hospital- it’s fine to call any hospital and see if they have an outpatient psych program. They will even be able to direct you to private doctors. The Medicare makes it difficult, but if you keep calling, you will find someone!

I also suggest that you look for a psychiatric nurse practitioner. They are an excellent resource and often much easier to find than a psychiatrist. I always suggest that a person get fully diagnosed by a psychiatris and then if possible, move to a psychiatric nurse practitioner for medication management. There are not enough psychiatrist in the US. We often have to find qualified alternatives. In your case, it will probably depend on who will accept medicare.

Good luck. I have been lucky with my health care professionsals and hope the same for you!


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