Work your way out of depression…..

Darn it – I really do have quite a great week in terms of work – I am speaking to psych residents today and am teaching at a writing conference on Friday. And I just went into a pretty strong downswing.  I promised myself I would not use the word UNFAIR to describe what we go through- so I have to come up with other words:

Unfortunate- too bad, sad, bummer, rotten, awful, @#$@%

Haha. I can keep going when I’m down- I have my plan. Get it Done When You’re Depressed is sitting right here on my desk: I am going to open it randomly and then promise myself I will do what it says”

#34  Educated Your Friends and Family About Depression.

Heck yea! I am doing that. I know there will be a downswing on Sunday after the conference, so I’m already asking for help from family and friends- I must have something planned to help me deal with the inevitable. They know me well and understand that I am WEIRD. (But only in a bipolar way.)


I love this book so much. Even if I hadn't written it, I would love it. These books are gifts from the well self to the ill self. Even for the writer!

2 comments to Work your way out of depression…..

  • hi Rob, you should be able to go into you account and change your name and email address- many people use a nic-name etc.

    Please try that and let me know if it works. I know you can delete your own posts- but just changing your name should work.

    I will see if I can find your posts as well and delete the email address- that is the only place I see your full name. Most people don’t look at the names, but I understand your not wanting to come up on Google! Julie

  • Hi, I just wrote, but actually solved the problem. I found your other post and took out your last name and your email address. It now says Robbi. You can then go into your account and put in the name you would like to use. You do not have to add an email. I so appreciate your comments and hope you will continue to add your insight. People love to read it! Julie