Bipolar anxiety is really common when you’re depressed- and a large part of dysphoric mania where depression and mania are combined.
But there is also just plain old anxiety that visits on its own. I call this free form anxiety as it just sort of floats around and comes in and out in waves. When this happens, as it is today- I have to remind myself that….
You can work through anxiety. Your body will still function and work can still get done. It’s just not comfortable. After over two weeks of solid mood swings, I’m feeling better, but the anxiety is floating around! I’m working on an article on psychosis. I love this topic and am excited to get it done- so I have to work through this anxiety that wants me to stop. It makes my body feel so tense and uncomfortable !
I made a promise to myself a long time ago- I said, “Julie, if you’re well enough to walk around, see friends and go to a BBQ when you’re depressed and anxious, you’re well enough to sit down and work.” That’s true.
I am here working- I’m almost done with my article. As I wrote that I felt a wave of anxiety. Oh well! I’m going to work anyway! It helps to sit straight in my chair and talk in a slow, deep breath that fills my lungs to capacity. I then hold it and blow it out very slowly. This at least makes me focus on the moment so I can get started with a project.
If you have itunes on your computer, you can download yoga podcasts and plan them straight from your computer while you do some yoga. It really helps. I like the one from You can also listen directly from their site.