Lyn just wrote a great comment about how the ideas in Get it Done When You’re Depressed can help you get off the couch (or out of bed) when you’re depressed. You can do it. Lisa offers some support.
Can you get up off the couch?
Yes you can. Here is a comment from Lyn:
Hi Julie,
Yesterday I was in a deep fog of depression and had your book out on the table. I reached over not expecting anything to really help, and the next chapter was called FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS. Seeing that saying it out loud is different than thinking it, I said it out loud, a few times, and each time I felt more focused! I ended up getting off the sofa and started to work on a sewing project I had out but had no energy or desire to work on. Thank you Julie.
Hi Lyn,
Thanks for your comments. I am always amazed to hear from others and see how we all go through the same things. Bipolar makes you feel you are the loneliest person on earth and that no one could possibly understand what you go through. Obviously that’s not true. We all have the same symptoms. Lynn, I am SO glad that Get it Done When You’re Depressed helped. I’ve had many people tell me they have the book by their bed. Believe it or not, I was at my favorite karaoke place a few months ago and a guy said to me when we met. “You’re Julie Fast? I have your book on my table at home. I always read it and show it to people!” That makes me feel great- what people may not know is that I use the stuff in Get it Done just as much as anyone. Focus, Focus, Focus is a good one- this week has definitely been one for- Put Yourself in a Place You Can Work. That helps a lot. My whole goal is to help people get things done despite having this illness. Getting off the sofa is a huge accomplishment- because I know that getting up can be so incredibly hard- but once we do it, things can only get better. You’re stronger than bipolar!
Never forget- couches are for sitting and beds are for sleeping. They are not for depression treatment. So, feel free to get off the couch, get out of bed and get going no matter how depressed you may be. It is possible.