You Don’t Have to Watch the News. You Don’t Even Have to Follow the Election!

I don’t! I stopped reading the news, listening to NPR, reading the news on the internet and even talking with my friends about the topics I found upsetting.

Interestingly, I still know everything that’s going on. I haven’t read a Time Magazine in years. I went to dinner at a friend’s on Monday night and saw the magazine and thought that it would be interesting to read.  Guess what. It was the same stories I’d read years and years ago! I’m not missing anything.

Regarding the elections. My blood starts to boil when I even look at pictures of the debates. My head begins to explode when I think of the money being spent that could go to schools, etc. Though I know it rarely does.

So, I will read a headline and see what’s going on and know that nothing will sway me from my political leanings, so why watch?

It’s hard enough to stay stable when things are calm, I don’t need elevated blood pressure from our death! murder! election! mayhem! Kim Kardashian! world.

PS: Obama went to MY highschool in Hawaii. 😉


5 comments to You Don’t Have to Watch the News. You Don’t Even Have to Follow the Election!

  • Jan Jude

    Way cool about Obama. You are an international woman, yes?

    That weirdness at the end of the posts yesterday was a family thing. My cousin is Judith Ann. I over reacted to her comment about DM. And my initial comment was too…um…much. Sorry. Jan

  • Susan Robb

    Oooh, I so agree with this. Like you Julie I already know which side I favor, and listening to all of the stupidity that is said during elections makes me angry and doesn’t improve my life one iota. I actually yell at the TV when the opposing candidate spouts some falsehood, and I loudly advise my candidate that he should point the finger about what really caused this or that problem. Ridiculous and funny…yes. Healthy…not so much.

    My advice: Turn it off, go outside and kick some leaves. You’ll feel better!

    Cheers everyone,

  • ShellyD

    I specifically came to visit this site because I needed to read something like this. It was as if I needed permission to tune out and unplug. Interestingly because of my religious beliefs I do not participate in politics and (try to) remain neutral. Yet I STILL found myself getting upset and agitated- more so as election day draws nearer. As always Julie, thanks for this blog post- It has been a big help.

    • Hi Shelly. I am SO glad it helped. It took me a few years to really break away. It’s now natural for me. I know how I am going to vote- so watching the debates, etc is just stressful. If I have questions- my friends are very dialed in, as is my dad!

      Thanks again! Julie