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"Just wanted to say that you are helping people all round the world. I live in Scotland, UK and there is not very good mental health support here. Your blog and health cards have helped me more than any professionals!" - Joanne, Glasgow
"I purchased your health cards four years ago and the book I got with it, Bipolar happens, is a masterpiece. It motivates me no matter how low I feel. Thanks for everything." - Vicki, Chicago

Bipolar 101 Coaching Call

Free Download of the Bipolar 101 Coaching Call

The live Bipolar Disorder 101 coaching call from last month was a great success. The goal was to learn about bipolar disorder symptoms and the behaviors they cause. We had over 100 participants and I received many great comments about the call.

The call is now available at no charge. Click below to listen to the call on your computer or tablet. Once you start listening, right-click the “download” link to save the file to your computer.

Bipolar 101 Coaching Call Bipolar 102 Coaching Call

I think you will really enjoy the stories and get a lot from the more technical information!

Here is an email I received after the call.

Hi Julie, I just loved the call. You explained the basics so well- so amazing.

I see my daughter in soooo much of what you said on the call. I cried while I was writing at times because I had such empathy for the tortured souls and you and my daughter who have to live with this illness.

I also noticed what I see in myself and others- we re not bipolar, but we do go through so many things- we get paranoid and have troubles with relationships. We get down. I can see how POT could make the paranoia worse for these people if they are in that phase. You are right.

But thank you for helping all of us and all of them to get a plan/ a system//some hope////// about managing…..about being able to have a life by learning to manage and not give up !!!! Dear LORD:::: Julie when you say that the illness makes you lonely and tells you will always be lonely, whatever it says >> You just don’t believe it. You are such a gift to us. Any one of your clients or family members or readers would love to be your friend.

I just love what you do and we are all blessed that YOU LIVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALways !! You are our Oprah !!!



I hope you enjoy the call and can join me for calls in the future. The next call will be on medications. My co-author Dr. John Preston, author of A Consumer’s Guide to Psychiatric Drugs: Straight Talk for Patients and Their Families will be a guest on the call. He’s amazing.
